
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Frustrating Lustrous Cameo

 Well, I was hoping this post was going to be a progress report on my latest project, the "Cameo" wrap in my "Queen's Surprise" yarn. I bought a contrasting brown colour in Lustrous which arrived yesterday.
 It's come to the point where the second colour kicks in and I was all geared up to spend an hour or so knitting and getting some  of the stripes going to see how the "Darting Minnows" would go with the "Bray".
Sadly the yarn gremlin, or possibly Kikimora decided to mess up this skein while it was in the post and make it the skein from hell. What usually takes me 5 minutes has turned into a frustrating test of patience and painstaking untangling of the most horrendously knotted skein I have ever encountered.
This is as far as I got after half and hour of de-tangling.

Right now I am hating this yarn.... and the shawl.... knitting is supposed to be relaxing... not stress inducing!
The shawl is in the naughty corner (even though its not really its fault) in the front room and the dastardly skein of yarn is draped defiantly around my swift on the kitchen table.
Like Chrissy untangling her mind? It seems am almost impossible task now. The more I do, the knottier it gets. But I am  making progress....little by little, drawing out inches of yarn at a time to add to the ball.

Yes, Kikimora, I didn't sort the laundry or mop the kitchen floor. Nor did I hoover my bedroom and tidy the draw of unknown cables and plugs and adaptors. Kikamore, do you not understand that the need to create is greater than the need to keep my house in order? I have since hoovered the kitchen and the hallway and emptied the dishwasher. When you come tonight, please can you untangle my yarn whilst I sleep?

Anyway, to console myself I wound a skein of yellow Betsy into two cakes and cast on for Wednesday's socks. Oh Betsy, you are a good girl, you have cheered me up a little...and you are very soft and pretty!

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