
Monday, August 26, 2013

Project Rowan Arielle - Missing Button Hole

So I thought I'd be clever and knit the front left and right sides of the front simultaneously, even though the pattern suggests placing one side on a stitch holder while you knit the other. Actually, I didn't really do it because I'm clever, I did it because psychologically I find it easier to knit both that the same time rather than completing one side and then starting over and doing exactly the same thing for the other. That's why I like knitting socks and sleeves two-at-a time.
I'd knitted several dozen rows before I realized I'd forgotten to make the button holes on one side. I really didn't have the heart to rip back so I just carried on and then made sure I placed the next button hole in the correct place. I've only missed one button hole so I've decided that the first button will be sewn on, never to be opened. It'll be fine :-)
While knitting the front, I realised I'd made another mistake on the back. After the decreases for the waist, I missed the instruction that said "knit for 13 rows in pattern" and instead just skipped straight on to the next increase sections. I am a little worried about this as that constitutes about 4cm of length. I am quite tall and usually find things are too short in the body. I have held the back up against myself to gauge the fit and it doesn't seem to bad. I will just have to knit the front exactly the same and see how it turns up. Looks like another project that my daughter will end up owning!
At the moment in my garden the Delosperma, also known as Ice Flowers are doing really well. The tiny little flowers come in lots of gem like colours on a thick bed of succulent leaves - rather like a tiny version of a mesembryanthemum. 
This is the first time I've grown this plant and it won't be the last. The bees love them and they tolerate not being watered constantly which is ideal in my neck of the woods since we seem to have a lot of hosepipe bans.

Arielle is a pattern from Kim Hargreaves book Misty: In Light and Shade

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