
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Corner View - Experience

Sometimes experience doesn't count for much - or at least it seems like it doesn't. Just because you've done something before and you feel older and wiser doesn't mean your going to deal with a similar but new event more easily. 
Marco proved this. Marco is my third child. Beautiful Marco. Marco is 8 months old and I only just feel like I'm getting my brain back. My youth has done a runner. My body is still awol. 
Claremont September 2014
My first two children are 13 and 15 so you'd think having a third would be a walk in the park. I'm still a little bit stunned at how much he's changed my life. Taken things away and given back so much. Taken the wind out of my free spirited, creative sails but filled my heart with love. Absorbed every second of my time and made me realise how precious it is. His time, my time... the time we have for living. I love it when they are this age - so perfect and innocent. 
One little baby noise or action can make your heart melt. But it's such a short span of time really. I look at my two bigger ones and wonder where the time has gone and how I wish I had cherished their younger days more. But that is one benefit of experience - I will absorb and enjoy every second of Marco baby.
Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. This week the topic is courtesy of KristinNext week's topic is "Poem" chosen by Joanne and Ibabe .To see more "Corner Views" from around the world visit  Francesca.


  1. This is wonderful! And lucky you! How I wish I could have another child!!
    I too find that i'm truly cherishing the days with my third born more than I did when my older kids were babies. Part of me knows that it's indeed that tiny bit of experience, but mostly, it was really overwhelming having two small boys, and being in the middle of rural nowhere, quite often totally alone.
    Beautiful photos of you and your kids.

  2. Oh to begin again, now with the knowledge we've gained along the way. Enjoy these precious moments!

  3. I think you are in the midst of a truly awesome experience! What a gift!!!!!

  4. This is a beautiful post about your lovely children! The youngest is very cute, enjoy these moments with him, time goes so fast :)

  5. Beautifully said! And you have lovely children!

  6. such a lovely post and yes each child is different so the experience should also be different.
    Such gorgeous children!

  7. I always wanted a third, so I could really enjoy that one. But I probably would have had him/her two years after the second, so I would not have been blessed with the revelations with which you have been.
    That's an awesome photo of you and Marco--that should be framed and put up in your house. So glad you're enjoying this time.

  8. i can relate to the swiftness of the experiences. i have one of nearly 23 and i cannot recall so many little happenings from the past. photos bring it back a little, the journals do a bit. but i find the present easily overrules the past. which is good, in a way, and sometimes too soon. wow! three kids, he??! n♥
