
Friday, March 6, 2015

What's On My Needles / Hooks - WIP

I always have more than one knitting/crochet project on the go. I find it restrictive to work on one project at a time, both from a creative point of view and in terms of productivity. If I forced myself to finish one project before I started another then I would probably never finish anything because it's easy to get bored doing the same thing for a long time. Also, when I have a new idea for a design I need to work on it right away before I lose my chain of thought.
This approach does have its hazards because sometime projects get forgotten about, stuffed in a bag somwhere. When I eventually decide to work on it again I've forgotten what size hook I used and/or I've lost part of the pattern, yarn etc etc. Worst case scenario the yarn's been eaten by something (moths I hope). Luckily I learnt my lesson from that event and all projects and yarn are well defended with lavender sachets!
So right now, here are the main projects I'm working on (and yes, I do seem to have taken over an entire sofa and corner of the living room):

These were part of the Posh Sock Challenge but I didn't finish them in time. They are top down and I've finished both heels.
These are the socks I designed for PomPom Quarterly. I'm making a larger pair in a different colour way. One sock done! Gone against my usual rule to knit both socks at the same time.
I'm making a boxy and buttony. I already know I don't have enough of this yarn so I may add stripes on the sleeves and hem or a large block of other coloured yarn. Will see nearer the time.
Hexagonal Crochet Scarf
This is a design I'm working on. I am wondering if I chose the best colours to be honest! Haha! Not sure if I like them as much as I thought I did when I put them together! I wanted to play with the hand dyed variegated yarn and use one of the colours contained therein as a border. Unsure if it's working out but I'll continue as I am enjoying it.
Riverhouse Hookers Student Projects
As well as all of the above, I've been putting together some motifs the students can use to showcase their own selection of hand dyed variegated yarns whilst learning to join motifs together in the final round (no sewing). Hopefully these will feature in an exhibition at the Riverhouse Barn in June so we are all very excited about this project. For most of my students it's their first venture into the world of indie dyers.


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