
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tagging Art - Your Paintings

I came across this project on the BBC website yesterday and I have become slightly addicted!
The "Your Paintings" project has been set up by the Public Catalogue Foundation, the BBC and participating museums/collections to help tag and catalogue the United Kingdom's paintings.

Looking for items to tag in the paintings really makes you study the art more carefully. Questioning how the work makes you feel is also interesting. Of course, it would be much better to see the art work in real life...I wonder if this will spark a little resurgence in British art gallery footfall?  

It has also given me the urge to paint. I haven't painted anything since leaving Falmouth School of Art and Design more than 15 years ago... if only I had the time and wasn't so busy tagging pictures and planning trips to museums! 

If you fancy joining in, go to the "Your Paintings" website.

I fell in love with this vibrant painting by Donald Fraser Hamilton but I did have problems tagging the location because there is a Mont Saint-Genevieve in Belguim and also France. I searched Google images because surely a domed building like that perched on a cliff coupled with the search term would narrow it down slightly? Well not quite!  The dome matches the Panthéon in Paris but the Google images of the building seem to show it on quite flat ground...not dramatically placed as in the painting. None the less, I think the location must be the Left Bank because I read a little about the artist and it looks like he spent some time in Paris. I'd love to hear from anyone that could enlighten me!

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