
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tomato, Feta & Ham Puff Slice - Jus Roll Recipe

It's not often that my boyfriend instigates any kind of cooking. This weekend however, he felt I wasn't providing him with an adequate food supply, so unprompted and inspired by a Jus Roll pastry advert he'd seen,  he went to the supermarket and bought the ingredients for "Tomato, Feta & Ham Puff Slice" .
"Oh great!" I though, "He's going to cook me lunch!" But I was wrong. "You can cook it and I'll supervise." Ahem, says the man with about as much cooking skill and expertise as a grated slug.
Apparently, I didn't spread the pesto evenly enough or make sure it was exactly 2cm away from the edge of the pastry. I was instructed where to place the olives and tomatoes, because just throwing them on isn't good enough. Each one has it's own special place. Yes, it was quite annoying.

The making: It's a really simple recipe which he obviously could have done a lot better himself... Next time he'll be flying solo!!
The result: It was great! A nice, quick, easy and tasty lunchtime snack for two. The rocket on top is a lovely, fresh and spicy addition which creates a more complete dish, both in flavour and nutrition.
Tip: Don't put too much topping on as the pastry won't cook properly and will be soggy.
Encore?:  I'll definitely be making this again. If I make one for a family dinner one night I would probably make two and serve with a mixed salad and maybe some coleslaw or a potato salad.

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