
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Corner View - Everyday

Dear Nora,
I moved into the house next to you eleven years ago. Little by little, the children and I got to know you until you were a part of our everyday life.
When I first moved in I didn't like the idea of the shared drive and the fact that our gardens opened out onto each other. There was no privacy but the children soon learned that they had a garden twice the size to explore, and you didn't mind, in fact you liked having the children around.
When you left us on Thursday I wasn't ready for you to go; I hadn't said good bye or let you know how much I loved you. I hadn't told you that you were more than just a neighbour to me; that you were a dear friend. Even though more than four decades separated us, we had a love of the same things. You were my biggest fan. You never judged me or criticised me despite the fact that some of the things I have done in my life have been foolish. You were always cheerful and positive and made my home more of a home.
I am glad that I re-introduced you to crochet and knitting which helped to alleviate some of the loneliness you endured since your husband had died many years previously. I will miss showing and discussing my projects with you.
It is a shame that your body gave up on you because your mind and soul sparkled bright.
I don't know if I believe in heaven and hell, and I'm not even sure there is anything after death but I truly hope that you have finally been reunited with your love, your Harry, who you have missed so much, everyday of your life.
I will miss you very much, dear Nora.
x x x


  1. What a beautiful and touching tribute...You're lucky to have had such a neighbor.

  2. I am agree with MB - this is a touching and wonderful tribute. So sorry for your loss.

  3. So sorry to hear of your loss...Nora sounds like a wonderful woman and neighbor. Thanks for sharing your everyday.

  4. A very touching and heartfelt everyday. Nora was clearly the kind of neighbour anyone would want to share a drive or a life with.

  5. Growing up in a duplex, we shared our yard with our neighbor Verna. She was an elderly woman who lived on her own. She was a wonderful joy to be around and had a way to always make my sister and me smile (I'll admit it helped that she always had a candy or two on hand just in case we visited). She was a treasure, just as I'm sure your neighbor was as well. While I'm sorry for your loss, I am greatful that you had the chance to meet such a wonderful lady and had time to share in each others lives.

  6. So sorry about your loss. And yet, so wonderful to read that this indeed was a loss to somebody. She has meant something for you and your family, late in life, which undoubtedly was a great gift to her (and you). Not many elderly people have that, after their spouses die.


  7. Very touching. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. She was lucky to have you and your family as neighbors, and you both were lucky to form an enriching friendship disregarding the age difference.

  8. Sorry, I forgot to mention that you were absolutely right: my weeds are in fact wild helleborus foetidus - how lucky is that (I'd ever only seen the larger variety that blooms around Xmas time)? I hope to be able to get the seeds. Thanks for identifying it for me!

  9. mezza, this is truely touching. it's observations such as these that bring the sparkle to life indeed, so i'm thinking you will further this wonderful neighbour's spark. also, to have such a neighbour is a lucky draw! wonderfully written. [swallow].

  10. So sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend but what a wonderful way to honour her. I hope a get a connection like this when I grow old.
