
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Corner View - Love In My Corner

Image © Ana Mercedes courtesy of Pompom Quarterly
A while ago I submitted a design to PomPom Quarterly magazine. I didn't actually expect them to choose my design but they did and I'm so proud and delighted that it's been published and is now in print.
I have always loved knitting socks since I made my very first pair back in 2009 ...I would still highly recommend the book I learnt from, "Knitting Circles Round Socks" by Antje Gillingham. I have knitted countless pairs for myself and organized two Posh Sock Challenges. So, with my new found love of stranded colour-work I felt it was about time I designed a pair of my own socks. Pencil in hand, I charted up some ideas on graph paper. I knitted a swatch of the heart and lattice motif and submitted my concept.
Once I'd heard my design had been chosen and I was sent the yarn they wanted me to use, Koigu Premium Merino (after a mishap with the wrong colours being sent and the yarn taking a long time to arrive) I started knitting furiously to finish the samples and pattern in time. Deadlines do seem to take a bit of the enjoyment away but I got them finished and sent off. I was pretty pleased with the result and in the process discovered a great, no-ruffle bind off for toe up socks that I'd never used before.
It was such a lovely feeling to have the magazine in my hand (it's a beautiful little mag, very high quality with a waxy coating on the cover and full of amazing photos and illustrations) seeing my name on the front and turning to the page where my socks were. They had decided to call my socks "Elske" which means love in Danish. I like that!
So far the pattern seems to have been well received, with more than 500 "loves" on Ravelry! I can't wait to see other people's interpretations of my pattern! What colours and yarns will they use? I have already started another pair in different colours.
There are some other really gorgeous patterns in the magazine too... I'd like to knit something from it but can't decide which pattern to go for! Well, I've got plenty of yarn but not enough time!
Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. This week the topic is courtesy of  Kari . Next week's topic is "Homemade" chosen by Tera. To see more "Corner Views" from around the world visit Francesca.


  1. is that swell, or what??? beautiful evenly knitted pattern and socks...! what a good idea to get really super good at a segment, i do believe your experience shows gratiously. i mean to say, if i tried this... ha! ;))) congrats on the publishing, it is something to be really proud of! happy belated valentine {sock}! n♥

  2. That is completely amazing! Well done you! I love your socks - so clever - Karyn, Eliza's Dream :-)

  3. congratulations! i love your pattern, and am super impressed to learn that you're a designer!
