
Friday, February 13, 2015

Six Years of Blogging - A Review

Blogging, what's the point?

I'm not a very diligent blogger but I do feel that over the years this blog has had an impact on my life and has even taken on a life of its own. I'm not even sure what compelled me to start blogging back in 2008. Those first tentative posts seem like they were written by a different person. I accept I am not a gifted "writer" but I think the quality of my posts and my writing ability has improved since those humble beginnings.
I still don't have a real purpose or direction for my blog. Do I need one? I don't have a target audience either. Sometimes I wonder if it's a little strange of me to share my images, words, recipes, projects with an unknown audience. I'm just broadcasting into the ether, like a performer on a stage looking out into the darkness, I can't see you and I don't even know if you're there! Apart from looking at my stats and the occasional comment, I could almost believe I'm talking to myself. I'm fine with that.
I wonder, what's the point? Am I even contributing anything to the world in general? I hope I do, in some small way. Maybe to inspire, inform or just to trigger a thought or idea in my reader that leads on to other things, later on. I believe mental stepping stones, almost unconscious, have a subtle impact on the direction of our lives.
Even if it's of no benefit to others, I must admit I get a lot out of doing this, I enjoy the process of writing and coming up with ideas for new posts. I like participating in group blogging activities, in particular Corner View. Once in a while I enjoy going through old posts. Like looking at an old photo album I discover things I'd forgotten, things that make me smile, things that make me sad and things that inspire me to keep being the creative person that I am.

Blogger blog stats

Probably not very accurate but interesting none-the-less. I was very disappointed that the inbuilt stats service in blogger is much less informative than it used to be, Most of the data is now hidden (does Goggle keep it for itself?). I used to enjoy looking at the search terms people used to get to my site. Basic stats are still viewable. For example, 2012 was my most "successful" year with 36,000 pageviews. My most popular post is one I wrote about cooking gammon in a slow cooker followed by my posts about crochet.
My audience is mostly from the US, United Kingdom, Canada & Australia (not surprising since I write in English!)

Looking Forward - A Blogging Plan for 2015

Do I really need a plan of action, a purpose, a target audience? I don't think so. This blog has become a part of me and I am a hotch-potch kind of person and I'll just continue to do what I do and write about whatever takes my fancy! I think if it becomes too structured, I might lose interest.
BUT having said that, I do plan to blog more in 2015 and I would like to achieve the following:
  • Write up and publish the dozen or so crochet/knitting patterns I have designed/created in the last 12 months.
  • Participate in Corner View more regularly.
  • Take part in Me Made May (I have neglected my dress making skills for too long!)
  • Continue to review recipes that I come across and collate my own collection of healthy, family meals.
  • Garner more readers and read more blogs - I have joined Bloglovin which I am already finding a great source of inspiration.
Do you have a plan of action or strategy for your blog? Or do you just go with the flow?


  1. i'm at six years in english language, and i'm still a convinced blogger. i've had a few malaises, but i now see them as down time rather than an end to it. for me, the combo of writing short text and adding my images works like a treat. because writing is a challenge. and the appreciation i'm getting (since i write in english, and the reader's public is bigger and less judgmental - wold you believe it?) feels like a little heaven on earth.
    and yes. you do contribute, in your own way, growing more experienced on the subject. that's a definite pozz!!
    and the fact that we write down moments in our lives, so easily accessible, that too, i enjoy very much. it is a diary of sorts. n♥

    1. I know exactly what you mean about the "public" being less judgemental. Very few of my friends/family know I blog and I'm not sure I'd ever tell them either because although it's "public" it's still "private" and I feel more comfortable sharing that with the unknown.
