
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Too Many Ripples - Babar & The Balloons Ripple Blanket Conception

My current beginner's crochet class at the Riverhouse Barn has come to the end. Most of the students want to continue but my intermediate group on a Tuesday is full so it looks like I might have to run two continual classes now. The next project we do is the ripple or chevron stitch incorporated in a scarf pattern which helps to teach increasing and decreasing and what effect this has on your fabric. I also include crocheting into the back loop of some rows so that students can see how this can be used to create a different look. My teaching technique involves a lot of demonstration so invariably I end up making a lot of things! A lot of the same things! does get boring. I can't face making another ripple scarf! 
Marco Baby needs a new blanket as he has outgrown his current baby blankets so I decided I will make him a nice big ripple blanket as my class demonstration piece.
When he was first born, we bought a lovely framed Babar et Les Ballons poster from a shop in Weybridge. I love the colours in it - bright and light and happy. I am going to use these colours in his blanket.
I think I will go for a larger ratio of stripes in the lighter colours, i.e. the white, cream/lemon and pale blue and use less of the bright reds, oranges, green and blue. Hopefully that will help to capture the essence of the image and is also a nice colour palette for a boy's blanket.
Now I've got to decide on the yarn...cotton (my preference for baby blankets) or a soft acrylic blend? I hope I can find yarn to match the colours and feel of the poster as closely as possible.

I used Photoshop to make the colour palette with the poster and to help make the scratch strip.

Check out Cherry Heart's lovely bird themed colour palettes too.

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