
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Corner View - In Bloom

So I am cheating a bit really for this Corner View post because I haven't got anything "In Bloom" but I have ordered seeds and plants for my garden that will hopefully be blooming beautifully by the summer.
This will be the second summer in our new house (wow, where on earth did all that time go? Sucked away by Marco Baby I think!). I didn't get much chance to plant anything last year apart from a few things I bought from the Hampton Court Flower Show and the garden still seems very new and undiscovered to me. The photo below was taken on a rather grey and dreary British winter's day.
There are a couple of bare spots that need filling and I've also noticed in the winter there is a distinct lack of any kind of evergreen so here's a little list of the things I'd like to do:

Front of house:
1. The box hedge needs trimming.
2. There is some kind of dead climber up the left hand side at the front. I think it was a clematis. I may replace it with another clematis or perhaps a climbing rose?
I quite like this variety of rose, Teasing Georgia but not sure if I should stick to the white theme that the previous owner nurtured.
Or how about this clematis...Cartmanii Fragrant's evergreen, doesn't need pruning, has lots of flowers, is suitable for any aspect and is scented! Sounds like a winner!
Back garden:
1. The bed in front of the kitchen window is overrun with mint. I want to plant some sweet peas. I have ordered these two: Jilly (white) & Cupani Original (purple) both of which are scented. I hope I haven't left it too late to plant from seed.
2. There is a dead shrub/small tree in the right hand bed. I fancy a small magnolia. Either Magnolia stellata (white) or Magnolia Betty (pink/purple)
3. The back view of the house is very austere; it's just bricks. My dad is making me a couple of pallet planters to hang on the wall and I have ordered some half hardy annual plug plants called "Trixi". It's one plug with three different plants specially developed for baskets and containers. I've ordered : "Twinkle Star"(Bidens, Bacopa and Calibrachoa) & "Blueberry Parfait" (Verbena, Bacopa and Calibrachoa). Yes, I've only just noticed that they both contain Bacopa and Calibrachoa... didn't spot that when I ordered them! Never mind!
4. Night scented stocks...I have always loved these and like to have them in my garden. They remind me of my childhood and hot summer nights Cornwall. I will probably plant the packet of seeds I have here on my desk although it does say sow by 2014. I'll give them a try!
5. Herbs. Every year I aim to grow more because I use so many too cook and they are not cheap from the supermarket. Most years I don't achieve much because I am not very organised. Can't see that changing any-time soon! Haha!

Have you spotted the theme yet? Yes, most of these plants are scented!
Here's a gratuitous Marco Baby photo. In the kitchen cupboard he'd just been poking about in is an interesting rolling pin that I'm going to blog about shortly.
Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. This week the topic is courtesy of Bev Next week's topic is "Hunger" chosen by Kelleyn To see more "Corner Views" from around the world visit Francesca.


  1. courageous you. i'm afraid my fingers are anything but green... i try, i do, and in my mind i make it all happen, and then i just let my garden go free a bit, cut the small patch of grass, i do, and revel at the plants that pop up again and flower somewhere in summer... it's a tricky bit of occupation for me, after all the rest, and it sort of never happens. n♥

    1. Well there is something rather magical about an unkempt garden. My previous garden was "wild" and I loved it but the lady that lived here before was a keen gardener and obviously spent a lot of time and care over the garden so I feel I should try to make an effort to keep it neat :-) ...and knowing my good intentions aren't always realised, I've got a local gardener to come every six weeks and blitz the weeds and mow the lawn. Is that cheating??

  2. Your garden will be a real paradise... for a lovely little prince ;)

    1. thank you! I hope so :-) he already likes crawling on the grass but it's still a bit wet and cold at the moment

  3. i look forward to see all your flowers blooming. It is a little cold here and windy right now.
    Happy Easter and enjoy the long weekend.

  4. I have to say Marco baby is such a cutie. Your garden plans sound awesome and before you know it you will have an apprentice assisting & learning also. My garden is small and always changing, I'll have to blog about it someday.

  5. i have a rolling pin just like that! someone told me it was swedish (i bought it at a thrift market), someone else said it's southern italian.
    gardening is my favorite kind of planning. it's probably good that you didn't start sooner, as one needs to see at least a full seasons rotation before deciding what to plant. I like that green clematis, i love the purple magnolia. Happy gardening and happy easter!
