
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Strawberry Shortcake Fools

I wanted to make this yesterday, for April Fool's Day but the day was over before I got round to it. Plus the kids weren't here and the OH was out playing tennis so I didn't think it was worth it in the end.
Instead I made it today for lunch. Well, as dessert for lunch. I could have easily eaten two :-|

Strawberry Shortcake Fools
Serves 4

400g punnet of strawberries, washed and quartered
170ml double cream
450g Onken Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt
100g shortbread biscuits
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon water

Place half the strawberries in a pan with the water and sugar. Cook gently until soft and syrupy. Allow to cool. Spoon off most of the syrup - this will be used right at the end.
Crush up the shortbread biscuits - I put mine in a ziplock bag and roll over them with a rolling pin.
In a large bowl, whisk the double cream until it starts to stiffen. Fold in the yogurt.
Get 4 glasses ready and put 2 tablespoons of crushed biscuit in the bottom of each, followed by 2 tablespoons of the cream/yogurt mix.
Now divide the cooked strawberries between the glasses and spoon over the remaining cream/yogurt.
Sprinkle with more biscuit crumbs and top with the fresh strawberries.
Pour over the reserved syrup and chill for a couple of hours before serving.
Although not exactly low in fat, this is a lovely, summery family dessert that everybody will love!

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