
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Pain & Pinetrees

“I take a sun bath and listen to the hours, formulating, and disintegrating under the pines, and smell the resiny hardi-hood of the high noon hours. The world is lost in a blue haze of distances, and the immediate sleeps in a thin and finite sun.”
                                                                                          - Zelda Fitzgerald 

Working at home, in my office with a raging headache... I think of my favourite blissful moments - warm, in the sun, surrounded by pine trees... just like those childhood summer holidays camping in the south of France or that section of pines on the path that runs along the top of Loe Bar in Cornwall. I can forget the pain for a minute and imagine the smell of resin.

These bad headaches and migraines are a big part of my life. I always hope they go away but now I'm in my forties, I think it's time to just accept they are here to stay, despite all the things I've done to try and eliminate or reduce them.
How to you cope with chronic pain?

1 comment:

  1. I have just discovered your lovely site. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creative ideas. I am wondering if you have tried acupuncture for your headaches? I am normally not a believer in alternate medicine, however acupuncture has helped me enormously with chronic back pain and I know it is used for migraine headaches.
