
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Corner View : A Different Corner

I have missed being part of Corner View but this week I prepared my post in advance!

On Saturday I went into town to go to the bank and get a few bits and bobs from the shops. I hadn't realised that there was a street market on and of course people are already out Christmas shopping so it was heaving with people everywhere. I queued up in the bank for more than 15 minutes with my winter coat and scarf on, getting hotter by the minute. I went into a shop and it wasn't much better. Hot and flustered I decided I couldn't be bothered to go into any more shops and compete with the crowds. 
On the way home I took a slightly circuitous route through the graveyard. It was cool, peaceful and there was not a soul to be seen. In the space of a 2 minute walk I had seen and experienced a totally different corner of my town.


Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. To see more "Corner Views" from around the world visit  Francesca


  1. The contrast between the shopping crowd and the cemetery is undeniable! So peaceful here... It's a nice set of photos.

  2. There is no greater difference between crowded shopping malls and a lonely, peaceful graveyard. These are not only beautiful impressions, but obviously you went back to basics. Escaping from superficial christmas present delusion and finding the right place to what christmas (and pre-christmas time) is all about: reflection.

  3. graveyards/cemetery's are very interesting places. Interesting how you can be transported to totally different corners!

  4. i like to wander through graveyards too from time to time ...

    my different corner is tasty this week ...

  5. well, i don't know about 'no souls to be seen' on that graveyard... tee-hee...
    but so agreed on the depth and surprise of a cemetery. i LOVE them, i always go look for them in cities (or villages) i visit, just for the sake of inner peace.

    the image of the hand pointing down on the book... i think i want that on my grave!
    oh. wait a minute. i won't have a grave. never mind, i'll dreaam about it... ;)))

  6. This is a beautiful cemetery. I like to walk on old cemeteries and think up stories about the families who are buried there.

  7. lovely! i think you did absolutely the right thing. and we all got to benefit from it - yes - that hand pointing at the book!

  8. woolf made me giggle with her comment.

    yup. I also hate and miss to understand the way we ALL tend to do the same thing at the same time.
    I hadn't been into town (for me the city centre) for a bit until yesterday night, when I had dinner with a study group yesterday. gosh! the bloody unbearable festive spirit of office outings... I'm getting older :)

  9. forgot to add well done you for fleeing the madness. bits and bobs can always wait :)

  10. Very spiffy new layout here! I too am allergic to crowds - that's why I live in the middle of nowhere :)

  11. I so relate to you wanting to get away from the crowds, the 'madness'. We experienced that yesterday when we had to return something to a shop in one of our very big shopping malls - and everybody else in the world seemed to be there - on a beautiful sunny day - doing what exactly? Wandering around in a daze, blinded by the florescent lights, taken in by the Xmas decorations, allured by the SALE signs. No-one looked particularly happy. Good on you for escaping and finding a little corner of peace :-)
