
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Corner View - Hunger

Teething or hunger? Or both? Why does Marco Baby want to eat everything?! Haha! I know it's all part of a child's development and I'm grateful that my baby has never been truly hungry.
And neither have we. Lucky to be who we are, where we are. There is rarely a day when we don't eat well. Today was the first day this year that we ate lunch outside in the garden. It was lovely and we did spend a moment feeling grateful for our lives. I made a tuna and egg salad with a wholegrain mustard dressing. 
My eggs weren't perfect. They tasted fine but I got distracted during the rapid cooling after boiling phase and forgot about them so they are a bit black around the edges. Then I accidentally tried to "peel" the wrong egg. I bashed it on the worktop to crack the shell only to discover I'd accidentally picked up an uncooked egg! What a muppet!
We had good food in the sunshine while Marco Baby crawled around the lawn doing his best to eat everything and anything he came across. 
And I have a different kind of hunger... the hunger to create and design. I have so many things on the go...classes to plan...designs to write designs to create...ideas spinning around my head...fabric to cut and sew....and lots of things to write about.

Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme. Next week the topic is "Once-upon-a-time" chosen by Heather. Today's topic is "Hunger" courtesy of Kelleyn. To see more "Corner Views" from around the world visit Francesca.



  1. Awww what a sweet little baby boy! That dish looks delicious!!!

  2. wonderful to have a baby with a healthy appetite :)

  3. Baby Marco is beautiful! What a doll!
